Why Plan Ahead
There is a lot that goes into planning a funeral, but making those arrangements beforehand gives you time to consider all of your options and make sure that you are covering all of the necessary details. Here are some of the most important reasons why planning ahead may be the best option.
It's Easy
Fill out a form or meet with a member of our staff to put your plan in place. Anyone can create a plan, at any stage in their life, and you always can make changes if you wish.
You Decide
Preplanning lets you create your own unique life celebration. Including your family in the planning process can help them feel connected to you both in life and in death, knowing that your arrangements reflect your desires.
Relieve Your Family’s Burden
Preplanning relieves your family of that burden and gives them more time and energy to focus on healing and remembrance.
What is a Funeral Agent?
A funeral agent is an individual named by the deceased in his or her will as the person in charge of making funeral arrangements. The rights of the funeral agent supersede the right of all others, including the spouse and other relatives such as children and parents. In some cases, individuals find themselves in situations where they have either out lived all of their relatives, are estranged from living family members, or are sure that those relatives remaining will not abide by their final wishes. Since these individuals are not able to authorize their own cremation or ground burial, what are they able to do?
In New Jersey, individuals have the right to appoint a funeral agent. Once named, these “agents” have the supreme right to arrange for the disposition of an individual’s remains. The funeral agent’s right to control supersedes the rights of all others, including spouses, civil union and domestic partners, children, parents and siblings. (Those traditionally within the right to control hierarchy.)The executor is not automatically the funeral agent.
The funeral agent option is the legal way for you to appoint a specific person to arrange your funeral. Again, the executor is not automatically the funeral agent. To appoint a valid funeral agent, it must be done in a Will or Codicil. Appointments made any other way are not acceptable. Those interested in appointing a funeral agent need to visit an attorney and inform them that they wish to designate an individual as a funeral agent according to N.J.S.A. 45:27-22.
You Can Prepay
Prepayment is available through the New Jersey Funeral Directors Association “CHOICES” Program. We deposit all prepayments into a trust fund where it remains until needed. Prepaying also provides peace of mind for your family. Medicaid pre-planning is also available when it is necessary to reduce assets to qualify for benefits.
What If I Move?
We keep a record of your preplanned arrangements and prepayments and they are easily transferable to any funeral home in the United States.
Where Do I Start?
First, visit our preplanning checklist to help you consider all your possibilities. Then you can preplan online using our form to create your personalized arrangements or you can schedule a time to meet with our staff to discuss your options and make a plan.Please contact us to further discuss your questions regarding preplanned funerals without cost or obligation to you.